Fans for SOx Scrubber Systems


Fans for Offshore Scrubber Solutions to limit Sulphur Oxides (SOx)

BarkerBille’s range of ID and FD fans can be used for Offshore Scrubber Solutions to limit Sulphur Oxides (SOx) emissions with positive impact on the environment and global health.

In October 2016, the IMO (International Maritime Organization) passed stricter global sulphur oxides limits, which was implemented in 2020.

It is known that sulphur oxides (SOx), present in ship emissions, cause many deaths every year and have a negative impact on both crops, environment and air quality. Setting a global sulphur oxides cap will have a positive effect on the air we breathe and can save thousands of lives every year.

To reach the lower and stricter SOx emissions, a lot of vessels are now being rebuilt with SOx scrubbers in open or closed loop to function as exhaust gas cleaning systems.

FD and ID Centrifugal Fans for Scrubber Operations


Using scrubbers to clean the flue gas often results in an increased back pressure to the combustion air fan and/or an unstable back pressure in the boiler.

To prevent these problems, the boilers can be fitted with larger Combustion Air fans (FD fans) and/or Flue Gas fans (ID fans) can be installed between the boiler and scrubber.

BarkerBille has a complete range of FD and ID fans as well as Seal Air fans for scrubber operations. These centrifugal fans are designed specifically for each application to achieve optimal operation, high efficiency and low power consumption.

BarkerBille is able to supply the same high quality centrifugal fans for scrubbing systems from both China and Denmark to shipyards all over the world.

Advantages of BarkerBille’s industrial fans for scrubbers

Scrubber fan

  • Pressure preforming up to 9,000 Pa
  • Air flows up to 60,000 m3/h
  • Specially designed for each application
  • Reliable performance
  • Durable construction/reinforcement
Fans for marine and offshore
Learn more about centrifugalfans
Scrubber fan
Large scrubber fan

Contact Us for More Information

At BarkerBille, we are committed to supporting you every step of the way, from initial consultation to final implementation.

Reach out to our team today for expert guidance and answers to any questions you may have. Together, we’ll ensure you receive a custom-designed fan solution that perfectly meets your unique requirements.

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